This project is about the implementation of modern marketing and branding techniques for the creation, operation, promotion, and preservation of a modern, distinct, and competitive identity for the city of Kavala.
Specifically, the project includes the following actions:
Action 1: Marketing plan
Action 2: Local Quality Agreement
Action 3: Branding plan
The marketing plan will investigate, identify, and valorize the main elements of Kavala’s unique identity (indicatively: Culture, Education, Tourism, Environment, Entrepreneurship, and more) and will treat each one as a “distinct product” (that is to say, different marketing plans will be developed per field).
The Local Quality Agreement (LQA) will function as the groundwork for the development and establishment of specifications and criteria to secure quality in the field of services. The LQA will initially focus on the field of gastronomy and, later, will proceed in other areas of services.
The branding plan refers to the city and the overall advertising campaign for its new identity.
key-points in the project
- It approaches the city in a comprehensive way, as a “product”.
- It addresses both external and internal market (visitors, university students, investors, residents, and more).
- It emphasizes on cultivating a local culture, among local bodies, businesses, and residents, that will help them comprehend, enhance, and preserve the project.
- It will progress and develop on a long-term perspective, based on a consortium of public and private sectors.
- It will point out marketing strategies aiming to attract investments and consuming interest, with the purpose of consolidating financial growth.
expected benefits
For several decades, cities have been putting in effort to enter the global market decisively, intending to claim a substantial share. The ever-increasing competition to secure funds and investments and attract tourists, as well as the need to protect the cultural and natural resources, are some of the challenges every modern city is facing. The implementation of a marketing system based on the proven competitive characteristics of the city, as well as the establishment and preservation of a solid, modern, and distinct identity for the city will function as a “shield” for every existing and forthcoming threat of downgrading, devaluation, and marginalization.
The marketing system for the city of Kavala aims at becoming the groundwork and the guide for strategically placing the city of Kavala on the global map and making the city attractive to residents, visitors, university students, and entrepreneurs.